Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Goldstone Report

From Palestine News Network (the article is longish, but worth your time).

The Goldstone Report (it's 575 pages long).

A pro-Israeli response (also worth the read). A few of the arguments are made without proof or with flawed logic. One refers to the HRC Resolution and indicates that conclusions regarding crimes against humanity had already been made before Goldstone's information gathering mission even took place. This is a correct contention, but the Resolution talks about crimes going all the way back to 1967, ones that had already been documented; it calls for further investigation and a recommendation on how to handle the present issues. The site also questions the validity of having the crimes investigated by both Israelis and Palestinians. "How can Goldstone imply that Hamas or the Palestinian Authority operates a legal system that comes close to anything resembling that of a western democracy," the site asks. As if any other legal system is incapable of determining whether or not a crime has been committed.

Leaflets the above site mentions.

A Palestinian view about the leaflets and general situation they address.

Another perspective.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very insightful about the dynamics between Israeli and Palestinian statehood. The report dedicated to the Israeli standpoint seems to follow the same loose logic that their government has always relied upon. By negating any sort of legitimate source for Palestinian power and state, Israel is able to denounce Palestine as a nation while simultaneously authorizing their assault upon Palestine and reacquisition of their land. Furthermore, by not acknowledging their own atrocities committed against Palestine, Israel is able to paint themselves as the victim of Palestinian extremism. This sort of logic breaks down as soon as it is question but it appears that not enough people/governments are questioning this.
